Q. Does using Safety Navigator protect me against breaches of WHS/OHS legislatio...

A. The quick answer = No. Because Safety Navigator is a health and safety system used to record the actions you took to manage health and safety. 

i.e. strong health and safety compliance needs strong actions to be taken in the workplace.

This system is designed to the International Standard for Occupational health and safety management systems, or ISO45001 - released in March 2018 and ASNZ 4801: 2000 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

This international standard was designed with the input of many stakeholders and regulators across a number of countries and was developed to supersede the OHS/WHS/OSH/Health and Safety standards for many jurisdictions, including (in time) ASNZ4801.

So whilst using Safety Navigator will not ensure you are protected from alleged breaches your workplace makes with regard to health and safety legislation, we can ensure that you:

  • Have a health and safety system platform that is ISO45001 and ASNZ4801 aligned
  • Will find Safety Navigator really easy to use and track your health and safety compliance
  • Can rest assured knowing that if you are ever 'stuck' or have a question relating to health and safety and how Safety Navigator can be used to cover that question, that our support team will be there to assist