Public comment period on OHS laws closing

Source: Safety Institute Australia

The closing date for the public comment period on the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations package is next Monday 4 April 2011.

All businesses, industry and workers who have not already had their say should do so, according to Safe Work Australia Chair, Tom Phillips.

Safe Work Australia released draft model WHS Regulations, priority model Codes of Practice, an Issues Paper and Consultation Regulation Impact Statement for public comment in December 2010.

To date, Phillips said 234 submissions have been received from a broad range of organisations and individuals, and all submissions can be viewed on the Safe Work Australia website.

"Having your say in this process will ensure that businesses and workers can understand these laws and ensure they are effective in improving work health and safety outcomes," said Phillips.

Safe Work Australia will analyse the submissions received during the public comment process and then revise the draft model WHS Regulations and Codes of Practice based on this analysis.

For more information on the public comment process visit, and public submissions can be sent to .