WorkSafe Qld: Changes for the rural industry
Source: WorkSafe Qld
Under the current Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2008, operators of forklifts in rural workplaces have been exempt from the requirement to hold a high risk work licence. This exemption expires on 31 December 2011, coinciding with the implementation of nationally harmonised WHS laws from 1 January 2012.
From 1 January 2012 operators of forklifts in all rural workplaces will need to have completed the Licence to operate a forklift truck course and hold a forklift truck licence.
Under the WHS Regulation 2011, the person with management or control of a tractor at a workplace must ensure that the tractor is not used by anyone unless it is securely fitted with a roll-over protective structure (ROPS).
The current exemption allowing persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to operate a tractor made before 1 January 1981 without a ROPS will no longer apply.
Under the new WHS Regulation, the person with management or control of powered mobile plant at a workplace must manage risks to health and safety associated with things falling on the operator of the plant.
Requirements for falling objects protective structures (FOPS) for rural mobile plant have been included in the updated Rural Plant Code of Practice 2004. FOPS are required to be fitted to any rural mobile plant where there is a risk that operator may be hit and injured by a falling object.
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland is currently preparing a comprehensive summary of all the changes that will impact on the rural industry which will be distributed to eSafe subscribers and published to the website in the near future.
For more information on the new laws, visit