Young farm workers: speak up

Source: WorkSafe Vic
Found on site Smart OHS WHS online system

Young farm workers: speak up

WorkSafe regularly attends agricultural field days to promote health and safety, answer your questions and talk about safety issues.

At a recent agricultural field day WorkSafe surveyed young workers about their workplaces and work health and safety.

Nearly 70 per cent of those surveyed were in farming work, many employed in family businesses. Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed thought there were parts of their job that could be dangerous if not done properly, and said they would most likely speak to their boss or a family member about workplace safety issues.

Statistics tell us workers aged 15-24-years are more likely to be injured at work than any other age group in Victoria. These young workers have the highest rate of injury in the state and their injuries are 21 per cent more likely to result in hospitalisation. Yet it is estimated that 50 per cent of young workers do not claim for injuries sustained at work.

Reasons for this may be they:

  • do work they are not able to do
  • have not been properly trained
  • are not supervised
  • are unaware of their OHS rights and responsibilities
  • lack the confidence to speak up or ask questions
  • are fearful of looking incapable or losing their jobs.
Our message is simple - Speak up about workplace safety.

The next Agricultural field day the WorkSafe Young Workers team will be attending is at Farmworld at Lardner Park, Warragul, on Thursday 22 March - Sunday 25 March.
Tell your friends and colleagues to come along.

What do you think about the risks to young workers?

Tell us your story