Safety Navigator upgrades delivered, coming soon...
Here at Safety Navigator we've been hard at work over the past year
building upgrades based on what our users have told us they want.
We're now pleased to announce the first raft of our upgrades was launched
on Friday 17th May and include the following:
Incidents, Claims and Actions/Risks Dashboards for users with access
across more than one workplace - we now have 'graphs' and
comparative reporting for incidents in particular, which allows
a snapshot of 'performance' in just a few clicks. Work out incident
trends, how claims are tracking and identify key risks in the business
within seconds.
For the next three months, we'll be working on several upgrade items, but
probably most importantly, our 'Permissions'.
Permissions will allow unlimited users/workers to be able to access
Safety Navigator for their workplace. Permissions also allows the
workplace 'owning user' (Manager) to grant roles to each of those new
users, based on what they need to do within Safety Navigator.
This upgrade should be finished in September 2019.
Also coming in August/September this year are changes to our forms to
allow a complete FORM BUILDER. This will allow all our users to create
and customise their own forms to suit the working environment.
We're never done upgrading Safety Navigator to deliver further on user
experience and functionality. If you have any ideas you think we should
consider, please get in touch: