Upgrades 2023

Here is a brief list of some of the upgrades we have built into Safety Navigator in the past 12 months

- AED Check: implementation of a signature capture for this module for more accurate reporting

- AED Check: Automatic (static or hidden field) timestamp for the AED Check (users cannot select) that locks upon save then displays  in Edit View at the top of the page under the date TimeStamp

- Security Check:  Ensuring all data, including signatures and security provider codes are mandatory fields to ensure the form is completed and any erroneous data can be picked up by wider operational staff within the organisation

- Incident Report:  We've created a 'risk category' function within the Incident Report whereby when an incident is saved as 'high risk' any user with 'Manager' access to that workplace in SN will receive an immediate email alert to that incident

- Actions and Risks: Like our Incident Report upgrade, the Actions/Risks module now has a 'risk category'. Any 'high risk' Action/Risk recorded will result in users with 'Manager' (like head office or top level managers at the workplace) access to that workplace receiving an email alert

- WHSIHM History and WHS Activity (Multi-Site) reports : If you have 'Workplace Activity' reporting available (Multi-site organisations) you'll note two new columns showing the number of: AED Checks, and Security System Checks. We built this new feature because many workplaces we work with like to monitor these items regularly. Likewise we inserted these two fields within the individual workplaces' WHSIM History module

And don't forget... User Management which we completed in early 2022. The User Management Module allows you to create multiple users in your workplace/s, with five distinct 'permissions' access levels. Share the workload. Share the love...

We hope you like what we've done to improve your user experience

The Safety Navigator Team